Home / Are you wondering about the steps to setting up and using an injection robot?

Are you wondering about the steps to setting up and using an injection robot?

2022/12/07 By 兰兹

Setup of injection machine

Setup of injection machine and usage

The injection robot is an essential and powerful tool in industrial manufacturing. But if you have read the article we shared today, setting up and using the injection robot may be easy.

The setup of the injection machine and usage can be divided into five steps

Here are the five steps you need to follow to use an injection robot:

-Prepare the injection robot-Set up and configure on the panel

-Load the mold into the machine-Injection process starts (injection, hot press)

Remove molded parts from the moldPrepare the injection robot.

Before you begin, ensure the injection robot is in good working condition. To check this, follow these steps:

Check the power supply. Make sure your injection machine is plugged into a proper electrical outlet.

Check the control panel and safety interlock switch. Please turn on your injection machine to ensure it has enough power to run properly, then check that all buttons and switches operate correctly by pressing them as needed. Your robot should only be able to start when any buttons are activated after first being set up for use with its correct ingredients and doses for each application.

Check air pressure levels within the gun barrel where plastic or metal molds are filled with molten material during injection. Air pressure levels must be checked once daily before use, preferably after cleaning and sterilization procedures. Improper air pressure can lead to inconsistent fill times or other problems during production runs, which could result in defective products being produced incorrectly.

Setup of injection machine

Settings on panel

The next step is to configure the machine’s settings. On the panel, you’ll find a variety of buttons for setting parameters for injection molding processes. You’ll need to navigate to these options and put them according to your desired parameters:

The injection molding process

This menu allows you to choose among several different types of plastics, including ABS, PET, PVC, and more. It also lets you select colors. These selections can be made by clicking on their respective icons or scrolling through menus using arrows at either end of each row or column on the display screen until you reach the best one that meets your needs. Once this selection is complete, it will appear as an option under “Process Type” below other choices like “Tool Change” and “Speed Control Mode.”

Set injection pressure

This button allows users who have purchased optional upgrades (such as vacuum pumps) to access those features through this toolbar without having them.

Load the mold

Once your robot is connected, you’ll need to load the mold. To do this, follow these steps: Place your mold on top of a table or flat surface in front of the injection robot. The mold must face away from you at about eye level, with its front facing down.

If it’s not facing down, push gently on it so that it does, and make sure that there aren’t any parts sticking out from underneath (such as lead wires). The robot may accidentally catch these while loading or unloading if they need to be adequately positioned beneath your molds. Make sure there is enough space around your work area. In this way, it will not accidentally hit another object/person because it will cause damage to both parties!

Setup of injection machine 4

Injection process

The injection robot will automatically start the injection process when you place your mold on the platform. The injection robot will automatically stop when no more resin is injected. It will also stop if other problems like an obstruction or a high or low resin temperature exist. You can see a complete list of error codes at the back of this guide for troubleshooting purposes.

Remove molded parts

You need to remove the molded parts from the mold. Check them for defects, and then clean any defects that are found. If there is no defect, wash each component before returning it to the mold.

You can set up your next injection job after cleaning and checking the injection robot for defects!

Then, you will understand the setup of the injection machine and usage

Now that you know the steps to set up and use the injection robot, it’s time to start. If you’ve understood what’s happening in your lab and how things work, you can perform experiments like never before.

Prev: How The CNC Machine Works

Next: Injection Molding Machine Manufacture and Mold



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